Understanding the observable type pt.3
by writing composition operators
Understanding the observable type pt.2
by creating them out of arrays, events and promises
Understanding the observable type
by reimplementing a naive version of it
E2: Elm + Express for full-stack web development
A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point
Demystifying Redux pt2
by reimplementing a naive version of applyMiddleware
Demystifying Redux pt1
by reimplementing a naive version of createStore
Express middleware serving SSR React apps
Express, React, JSPM and HML
Why I love JSPM
and why you should give it a go
Npm executables
and how to run them locally
Functional and in-place matrix rotation
Transpose and flip composition.
D3 vs. React DOMination
D3 + Faux-DOM + React
Deep copying Objects and Arrays
Dealing with infinite nested structures
O(nlogn) sorting algorithms in JavaScript
mergeSort and quickSort
Simple O(n^2) sorting algorithms in JavaScript
BubbleSort, SelectSort and InsertSort
JavaScript swap in-place array elements
From bitwise operators to ES6 destructuring
JSPM - React starter kit
Setting up jspm for developing with react.
Webpack - React starter kit
Setting up Webpack as your build tool.
Serving Static Files with Node.js
Vanilla node, static file serving and utilities.
Installing and managing Node versions with n
Quick tutorial to get up and running with n
Recursion, part 1: Linear Recursion and Iteration
A workshop on recursion functions and processes
Recursion, part 4: Anatomy of a recursion
A workshop on recursion functions and processes
Recursion, part 3: Tree recursion
A workshop on recursion functions and processes
Recursion, part 2: Tail-recursive processes in JS
A workshop on recursion functions and processes
ES6: JS's Prototype-based inheritance and classes demystified
Understanding the sugar covered class in ES6
DepthFirst and breadthFirst tree walking
Same algo, different datastructures: stacks/queues
ES6: Arrows, array-like objects and defaults
Taking advantage of some of the new ES6 features.
Install ruby gems without sudo on OSX
Avoid using sudo when gem install
Installing npm packages global on OSX
Avoid using sudo when npm i -g
Pick your parsing
Why I went with Acorn over Esprima
Case based Macros for javaScript
Crafting javaScript Syntax without transpiling
HRB SICP Study group - Getting started with Lisp
Running the MIT/GNU Scheme environment on the command line on macOS
For* Loops: The Bad, The Good And The Ugly
Javascript's control flow for* statements
Building a simple API server with node
Vanilla node, router and utils.
Binding Backbone models & collections to Firebase
Syncing Backbone apps, effortless.
Classes and Instantiation Patterns in javaScript
Functional, Functional-shared, Prototypal and Pseudoclassical
Prefix Tree Data Structure
Storing sequences with a fast look-up
JS Functional Programming Libraries
From underscore to lodash and Ramda, from chaining to composition and auto-currying
Kactus for Jekyll
A theme for Jekyll
The IIFE pattern
Immediately-Invoked Function Expression
Truthy and falsy values
When non-boolean values are coerced to booleans
Trial division, Sieve of Eratosthenes and Factorization Wheel
A short post on prime algorithms
Using every() to return some()
Functional programming helpers
Jekyll on Github - Quick guide
Static site generator for Github pages
Hackbot - A js robot for the browser
A fully programmable bot, modeled after Hubot.js
Intro.js onboarding API
My contribute for a better onboarding script
JavaScript’s lexical scope, hoisting and closures without mystery
Understanding the Javascript language mechanics